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Touch for Wellbeing No Hands® Massage Therapist in Hammersmith & Fulham

NO HANDS is about supporting YOU the THERAPIST

After greatly benefitting from learning NO HANDS Massage I became a licensed Instructor for the company and now offer courses in LONDON.
All NO HANDS live training is experiential and designed so that what you learn can be used with your clients immediately. You’ll learn through giving massage; receiving the treatments you’ll be offering; and group discussion. You’ll learn the breadth of impacts these approaches to Massage can have, even when performed by practitioners for the very first time.
For more information about learning NO HANDS Massage including course dates please contact me or read on below.


This One Day Course is for any insured Massage Therapist.

This is a day of Contrast - Combining Deep and Light Touch in an Introduction into the Power of NO HANDS Massage

Description: What is really deep Massage and Bodywork? Sometimes the lightest touch can produce the deepest outcomes for clients and at other times clients seem to need more depth than we can safely provide without injuring ourselves. On this day you will learn how to work comfortably and safely across the whole spectrum of depth and explore what impact this can have on us and our clients.
You will be working over clothes and towels.

DATE: Sunday August 4th 2024 -

VENUE: The Grove Neighbourhood Centre, Bradmore Park Road, London W6 0DT.
The Grove Neighbourhood Centre
Maximum of 6 participants book early to avoid disappointment.

£164 including admin costs.
£50 deposit to secure your early bird place.
Click on this link to book.

To find out more about the courses, how to pay and easy pay plan CALL ME 07961992346

"I had done the ITEC in massage but not yet practiced. It ran very smoothly. It was such a calm and welcoming course, It has given me more confidence"

" Body aches & pains due to many years of massage. This was a perfect introduction to new methods, techniques. Claire you have been fantastic! Honestly the best training I've ever been on. You've been professional, funny with lots of practice. Feeling total balance! Completely relaxed on a very deep level, clear mind (recharged)"

"A little nervous and some anticipation, however I wanted to come along to the introductory session and I was open minded about this. Uplifting and a good feeling of being more aware of posture/body movements. Breathing and a focus on taking more time to be still if only for a minute or two."


A total of 6 days in two 3 day modules. At the end of the 6 days you will know how to deliver a Foot treatment, a Head treatment, a Back treatment , and 2 impactful, full body treatments'. All NO HANDS! Safe for the client and safe for you, all ZERO STRAIN! Supporting YOU the Therapist!

"If you want to impact on the world and the lives of people around you through your massage, self care isn't a thought at the bottom of a TO DO LIST. You matter and are important. Why not learn how to give a Powerful massage without strain on your body!!! Transform your Touch and refresh your learning with 6 days of Amazing Touch that will enable you to work ZERO STRAIN".


You must hold a professional full-body Massage qualification (UK level 3 or above) and have practitioner insurance in place to attend this course


MODULE 1 = 3 days Friday 27th - Sunday 29th September 2024
MODULE 2 = 3 days Friday 29th November - Sunday 1st December 2024

VENUE: The Grove Neighborhood Centre, Bradmore Park Road, London W6 0DT.
The Grove Neighbourhood Centre
Maximum of 6 participants: book early to avoid disappointment.

£899 early bird price closes 30th August 2024
£99 deposit to secure your early bird place
Prefer to pay in monthly instalments? Click here to book.
Standard Price: £1499
For more information about course's and easy payment plans call me on 07961992346

Find out more about The NO HANDS Massage Company and how to protect your massage career click here

Refresh and Renew days

This One Day Course is for NH therapists who have completed Practitioner and above.

These days give you the opportunity to revisit the PRACTITIONER strokes.
You already know the foundation, now you can focus and check out how well you are doing.
If you have been away from massage for a while, this is a really great way to get back into the swing, update your skills, refresh and renew your practice.

DATE: Saturday 7th 2024 - Refresh and Renew Feet & Face CLICK HERE TO BOOK.
DATE: Sunday September 8th 2024 - Refresh and Renew Full body CLICK HERE TO BOOK. -

VENUE: The Grove Neighbourhood Centre, Bradmore Park Road, London W6 0DT.
The Grove Neighbourhood Centre
Maximum of 6 participants book early to avoid disappointment.

£164 per day including admin costs.
£50 deposit to secure your early bird place. Early bird ends 3rd August 2024!

To find out more about the courses, how to pay and easy pay plan CALL ME 07949575643

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